We have a wonderful Father who showers us with blessings, His Son our Lord who died for us, and His Spirit who fills us with Life, and holds us and supports us when life is hard. It is a great joy to be part of His family at St John’s in Grove. We seek to hold Christ at our centre, to prayerfully discern the plans that He has for us and for our community, and to encourage and support all members of our church family to grow and flourish.

Grove Parish Church Vision Prayer

Lord God, fill us with the Spirit of Jesus that we may be a Christ-centred church, growing in numbers, faith, fellowship and mature Godliness. Help us to share His hope for our hurting world and His love for all creation. Grant that we may take an active part in building a flourishing and inclusive community in Grove. Through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.

The Church Facilities

The Vicar, the PCC and the congregation of Grove Parish Church have a long standing vision to bring God’s love to the people of Grove. In 2015 it became clear that some of our facilities were inadequate and were hindering our ability to serve the community. Major improvements of costing over £350,000 have taken place since then especially creating a memorial garden and extending plus refurbishment of our church hall. The celebration service for the hall took place on 20th October 2019 with Bishop Colin.

Generous community grants of around half the sum required came from Vale of White Horse, FCC communities Foundation, Grove Parish Council, Garfield Weston Trust, Rank Foundation Pebbles Trust and AllChurches Trust. The rest was donated by church members.

    The hall is now well insulated, has wheelchair accessibility throughout, a hearing loop, an accessible toilet including adult changing bed and hoist, two projector screens (for ‘portrait’ and ‘landscape’ meeting formats), Bluetooth linked speakers, a carpeted quiet area, a badminton court, and access to our garden with a patio large enough for wheelchair use.

    To see more visit our fit-for- purpose buildings page.

    Three Strand Vision

    After a church-wide consultation in 2015, we developed a three strand vision, to enable us to effectively bring Christ’s message of love and hope to everyone in our local community and especially for the more vulnerable and isolated.  Please click on the links below for up to date information on how things are going in each of these areas.

    Reaching out to the community

    Connect Groups

    Memorial GardenFit-for- purpose buildings