Sunday Services
You are very welcome to join us! All Sunday services take place at St John’s or via Livestream (YouTube link here). For directions to the church, click here.
8 am Sunday Morning
Every Sunday, the 8 am Communion service keeps to the much-loved traditional wording of the Book of Common Prayer.
10:15 am Sunday morning
The 10:15 am services combine worship, teaching, liturgy and intercession. Holy Communion is shared on the first and third Sundays of each month. There is a crèche for children under 3 and Sunday Club for older children.
6 pm Sunday Evening
Our 6 pm evening service offers the chance to explore quieter forms of worship such as Taizé. Holy Communion is shared on the second and fourth Sundays of each month.
Saturday Services
There are “Messy Church” services aimed at involving the whole family in alternative worship experiences, please see event posts and webpage for more details.
Weekday Services
30-minute Said Holy Communion services are held at 10 am every Tuesday at Hanney, every first Wednesday of the month at Grove, and every Thursday at East Challow. These do not take place during August. Please see our Benefice page for directions and links.

Special Services
Please get in contact for special services such as Baptisms, Funerals and Weddings.