We’re at work all around the community, from youth clubs to food banks and there are all sorts of events and groups going on in and around the church.

Senior Youth GroupSunday evening
7pm in term time
Discuss life and faith.
For school years 8-13.
GirlguidesMonday, Tuesday and Thursday evenings, see NewsletterWith guiding girls have fun, adventure and the space to discover their potential.
Friends on FridayFirst and third Friday of
the month. One of these is a
Eucharist service.
Fellowship, sharing and outreach,
primarily aimed at the older
members of the congregation.
20s and 30sWeekly
(currently paused)
Bible study and fellowship
St John’s ToddlersWednesdays 9.15-11.15
during term time
Somewhere for adults to find
friendship and support and
where their children can
socialise and play in a safe and
relaxing environment
Grove and Wantage Schools Prayer GroupThree times a year
(once per school term)
Prayer for the schools in our local area
Women’s Social GroupFirst Sunday of the month 3-4.30pmSupport and social
BoardgamesMonthly, Sundays 2-5pmOpen to all, family-friendly boardgaming social time
Badminton GroupThursdays 8pm

​Please find a daily schedule of what’s on in 2024 below:

                                                        ACTIVITY                                                       Frequency
MON10amGrow Toddlers
 10amU3A Genealogy Group
2nd Mondays
 10amU3A Science Group
4th Mondays
 12.45pmGrow Babies
 2pmU3A Art Appreciation Group
4th Tuesdays
 7pm1st Grove Guides
(term time)
TUES10amSimply Singing
 2pmU3A Main Meetings
(1st, 2nd & 3rd Tuesdays)
 6.30pmWantage Chess Club
(Autumn & Spring Terms only)
 7.15pm2nd Grove Guides
(term time)
WED9.15amSt John’s Toddler Group
 2pmAncient’s Badminton Group
 2.30pmTrefoil Guild
Once a month
(Check with organisers)
 4pmWantage & Grove School’s Prayers3 times a year
(check with Benefice Office)
 7pmKonga Exercise Class (Hall)Weekly
 8pmVale Elim Church Meeting
 8pm20’s & 30’s GroupWeekly
(online or various venues)
THURS9.30amExtend Your Fitness.
Exercise to music
(over 60’s) (Hall)
(booked in blocks of sessions)
 2pmBible Study Group
 5.30pm1st Grove Brownies
 8pmSt John’s Badminton Group
(not August)
FRI2pmFriends on Friday
1st & 3rd Fridays
(not August)
 2pmU3A Yarn Group
2nd Fridays
SAT8.30amMorning Prayers Weekly (not 2nd Saturdays)
(not August)
 8.30amPrayer Breakfast
(at Cornerstone)
2nd Saturdays
(not August)
 9.30am1st Grove Rainbows
Some Saturdays
(check with organisers)
 2pmSt John’s Tea party
(at Cornerstone)
3rd Saturdays
SUN10.15amSunday Clubs / Socials & Creche (Hall/Rooms)Weekly
 2pm Board Games Afternoon
Please contact Benefice office for dates
 3pmWomen’s Social
1st Sundays
(not August)
 6.30pmSenior Youth Group
Weekly (term time)
(school yrs 9, 10 & 11)