St John’s Toddlers is a Christian Toddler group for pre-school age children and their adult carers. The sessions are organised and run by a committee of volunteers on behalf of St John’s Church.
We meet during school term-time on Wednesday mornings from 9:15am to 11:00am. The cost of the session is £3 per family. For the time being booking is not required.
Coffee/tea and biscuits/cake are served at 10am. We usually do a singing time and provide a craft activity.
We have a Facebook group called St John’s Toddler Group where we post notices and announcements about the Toddler Group.
If there is anything else you would like to know, or any comments you have, please feel free to speak to Bev Aldridge. You can also phone the Church office weekday mornings from 10.00- 12.00 to leave a message on 01235 771479.