Grove Parish Church

Tel: 01235-771479

Follow us on our Facebook page

Office hours

Monday-Friday: 10am-12 midday

Sunday and Weekday Services

Our Associate Vicar is Revd Alec Gill –

Church Office

The Church Office is the best starting point for any enquiry:

Address: Main Street, Grove, Oxfordshire, OX12 7LQ (we’re right next to the church, there’s a helpful map here )

We’ll be able to help with most things and can pass on questions or messages to the appropriate people in any of the groups or services run by the church.

If you have anything to go in the notices, please get it to us before 10am on Wednesday – ideally by emailing the information to


Other email links:  do contact us if you are new to St John’s or the area, or if you want to find out about any of our welcome activities. – if you would like to explore the Christian faith further do email us – we will be running enquirers groups or would be happy to discuss further any questions you might have. for youth club [not currently running] for Toddlers for the 20s and 30s ecumenical group (Friends on Friday)