We spent this week looking at petition – praying for our own needs and wants – based around the line in the Lord’s Prayer ‘Give us this day our daily bread’. It is proving such a blessing to be able to explore these ideas together. For those that are not able to be with us you may wish to look at the video for week 3.
The key messages from Pete Greig were:
- The Father loves to give good gifts.
- Traffic lights can be a useful image of how God answers prayer: Yes, Wait, No. The issues around ‘Wait’ and ‘No’ are explored further in the video and there is a whole session on ‘No’ in a couple of weeks.
- Sometimes we need to “stack dominoes” and persevere in prayer – it can take weeks, months or years of persistence but we should not give up.
Prayer lists are a great way to help with persistence in prayer, and are an encouragement to note when prayers are answered! If you want to try an ‘app’ for a prayer list then 24/7 prayer has one called InnerRoom which is excellent. It is designed for mobile phones – so it is with you whenever you have time to pray, and there are apple and android versions.
There are other useful resources for this week, if you would like to explore prayer further.
Palms up, Palms down – a simple and helpful way to pray for our deepest concerns