Jesus says to you
”Come, follow me.”
Mark 4v19 and Mark 2v14
In your conversation with Jesus ask Him to show you what it means to follow Him. Ask for His guidance about where He wants you to go and who He wants you to speak to.
Jesus says to you
”Come, follow me.”
Mark 4v19 and Mark 2v14
In your conversation with Jesus ask Him to show you what it means to follow Him. Ask for His guidance about where He wants you to go and who He wants you to speak to.
The interview went well: I got the job! From January, I will become the Vicar for the Vale Benefice, continuing to live and work here, but taking on the senior vicar role, with a new Read more…
We can all get stuck in a rut. Frustrated that we keep repeating the same errors. Saint Paul’s words can chime with all of us; “I do not understand what I do; for I don’t Read more…